
This is the home page for pbemtools, a free software package by Alan Schwartz designed to simplify the running of play-by-email roleplaying games.

The current version of pbemtools is 1.1 (released September 1998).

Herein you may learn:

What is pbemtools?

pbemtools is a package of scripts that I've found useful in running play-by-email (pbem) role-playing games. It includes: pbemtools is distributed under the GNU public license. You can therefore freely use it, modify it, or redistribute it, but can't do anything to restrict anyone else from doing so.

What are the requirements for using pbemtools?

Not much. Most of the scripts assume a Unixy environment, but should be portable to Windows, for example, with only minor tweaking (mostly around how to send email, I'd imagine).

Where can I get it?

You can download the file right here. It's a gzipp'd tarfile, so you'll want to unpack it with:
% gunzip pbemtools.tar.gz
% tar xf pbemtools.tar
Then "cd" into the pbemtools/ (or similar) diretory it creates and read the file INSTALL for installation instructions.

Hey pbemtools is neat!/broken! Who can I tell?

I'm interested in feedback, including comments, suggestions of features, bug reports, interesting new users, and words of praise. Email me at alansz@pennmush.org

What PBEM games are using pbemtools?

If you're running a PBEM using pbemtools, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know, so I can put a link to your game here.

What are other PBEM resources?

A great place to start is Irony Games' PBEM Site, which includes a couple of different lists of PBEM tools, advice for starting (or joining) a PBEM, etc.